Heroes have the same leveling process as the player, allowing them to increase in stat proficiencies and weapon skills. The 'Skills' column shows each Hero's best skills usually level 3. Robbing refers to pillaging villages as well as robbing caravans, although demanding protection money from caravans and stealing cattle from villages is not objectionable.

The table below lists all of the heroes available to the player. Since they do not have a strict level cap, they can eventually exceed the wages of any other troop in the game once leveled high enough. Regardless of recruitment cost, all require the same wages according to their level. Many of them require money before they join your party, but some will join for free. Their locations are random and they will change from time to time so it is important to check back at taverns regularly. Companions are found in taverns throughout Calradia. For more detailed information on ideal parties and keeping your heroes happy, see hero tactics. They will also talk to you when you reach a certain point on the map and tell you a bit about their history and how that particular location relates to it. Often, they will talk to you when you are doing something which they do not like, such as failing quests or running low on food. Like the player character, heroes never die and are only knocked unconscious. View mobile website.Heroes or companions are unique troops with individual names, stories, skillsattributesand equipment all of which can be chosen by you. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.

Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Why are you posting this in discussion? Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 20 Jul, am. Although that being said in both of these partys there are those who object to raiding villages so if that is your style be carful who you have. These all don't have problems with each others and are all happy in the same party All the other companions are not nobles and are best to have with you in the late game when you have given all the nobles land They are of couse: Nizar Katrin Marnid Ymira Jeremus Deshavi Bunduk Klethi All these second lot are happy working together. It is recomended that you have basicly 2 groups of companions so at the start of the game you will want these companions: Alayen noble Artimenner Baheshtur noble Borcha Matheld noble Firentis noble Rolf noble Lezalit noble These companions are really the starting core and most of them as you can see are nobles. Looking for all the companions that are nobles here is a list This is for native. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.